Thursday, July 24, 2008

Bobby Jindal Not VP. McCain Relieved.

Louisiana Lieutenant Governor Far-Right

Piyush "Bobby" Jindal (get to know him) has declared that he will not be the next Vice President of The United States. I don't like Bobby Jindal because I don't like the name Bobby. If you're going to choose a name why not a cool name like Fausto or Number 16 Bus Shelter. This may draw some Desi voters towards McCain because some of our brown brothers and sisters sadly wouldn't vote for a black man however they may have been turned off by Bobby Jindal's....well I'm not quite sure how to put this, but if this were 1927 India he may have been in support of the British government, which many Desis frown upon. I would like to say something however. In these troubling times we like to separate by race and religion. If you want don't like Bobby, don't let it be because he's Indian or he's a Catholic. No, don't vote for Bobby because he's the governor of Louisiana, the 2nd most backward state in the Union which was governed by such luminaries as Earl Long of whom his brother Huey said "Earl is my brother but he's crooked. If you live long enough he'll double cross you. He'd double cross Jesus Christ if He was down here on earth." You stay classy Louisiana.