Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Pakistan India on Brink of War, Sunny Deol Gets Movie Offers

I'm made of love for you Priyanka

Tensions between Pakistan and India are boiling over once again as Kashmir is protesting Indian rule (perhaps they ran out of booze?) and Afghan and Indian authorities are insinuating Pakistani ISI involvement in the Indian Embassy bombing last week. To throw petrol on the flames of discord, Indian musicians are taking shots at Pakistani national treasure, Atif Aslam. BihariShabab is dedicated to uniting South Asia to create a grand South Asian empire with an abundance of biryani and nihaari so we're going to take the lead in getting the two nations to settle their differences. We're going to start by showing images of your Indian bhabi, Priyanka Chopra, along with the melodious sounds of the subcontinenterrific* band EightyEast. We have great hope that the two nations can co-exist peacefully. Stay tuned for updates. Or watch the news, that's probably a better idea.

*Subcontinenterrific is a registered trademark of BihariShabab. We'll take you to court, we mean it.