Monday, July 14, 2008

Kyun Lara Kyun!?!?!

As I've made clear here before, CBS super-hottie slash your honai wali slash a reporter or something, Lara Logan makes our hearts a flutter. Well, friends, our hearts are a bit too heavy to be a flutterin' this week. That's right, she's knocked up, or preggo in her eggo or whatever the hell they say in Juno...

Lara Logan is pregnant and will marry the father of her baby, Joe Burkett, the state department contractor whose marriage she was accused of destroying.

Jesus Christ this just keeps getting worse. She got knocked up by an effing contractor? The least she could have done is have her eggs fertilized by a member of the US Marine Core. I would be less hurt if she actually opened up the floodgates to a member of the Iraqi Republican Guard than I am with this contractor's demon seed. 5 years in Iraq and the war has finally claimed it's greatest casualty: my dharakta dil*

It turns out her beau's marriage was already on the rocks when she met him, so the homewrecker charges are exaggerated. She is planning on marrying Burkett as soon as his divorce is finalized, which is either a sign of their love, or an elaborate scheme to make me jealous. And it's a testament to my love, that I'm willing to look past this whole silly pregnancy thing and welcome her back. If I could, I would like to address Lara directly. Lara, dekho, mummy papa koh mai manaloonga, don't worry about that..tum ghar aajao.

*An obvious attempt at humor. I'd like to take this moment to thank the men and women of the army for their service. In fact, my feelings may best be expressed by this gentleman.