Thursday, March 27, 2008

This Is Soo Totally Easier Than The Naturalization Test We Had To Take

There are a couple reasons why we've chosen this to be our first official link of this little endeavor. Namely:

1. Really if there's one reason why we got into blogging it was so we could help our brethren with useful tips about the complicated INS process. Well that and the fact that bloggers are known to roll ghutna-deep in poon. Anyway, from H1Bs to HIVs, we want to be your one source for all naturalization and immunization needs.

2. It deals with a Guyanese gentleman, which is a topic we want to deal with from the onset. Are they or aren't they one of us? We vote yay, if only because we think it brings us closer to Rihanna. We're not good at Geography.

3. It's totally effin hot. You can't look at the picture Mr. Baichu and not feel the pangs of sensuality reverberate through your paapi jism. We're willing to bet the inside of that Red Lexus smells like a concoction of Shaan Bombay Biryani Masala and Imposter Armani. Or as the French call it, Le Scent of Desire.

Like we said, we would have loved this option when were taking our Naturalization test. Do you realize how many Amendments there are to the Constitution that aren't the 5th Amendment? A fuckload, that's how many.

An Agent, a Green Card, and a Demand for Sex (NY Times)