Monday, September 1, 2008

Ramadan Mubarak and Happy Labor Day

We here at BihariShabab try to not include anything dealing with religion in this fine blog because I don't want the readers, all 900 of you (at this time there are 900 hits and I'm sure that there are only 900 readers because why would anyone come back?), to start communal riots. But! I'm gonna make an exception to my rule because it makes me happy. So Ramadan Mubarak. For all you communists I hope you have a happy labor day. I know that you guys are disillusioned with the lack of posting around here and we're going to try to do better. But between fasting (how come when you fast, the day goes slower? HAHAHAHAHAHA!), school, work, and fantasy football it's kind of busy around here in the BihariShabab headquarters. Just keep visiting the site though, there may be surprises! and maybe a party when we reach 1000 visitors. If there's one thing Muslims know how to do during the month of Ramadan, it's party.


Pritam on September 6, 2008 at 8:14 PM said...

Isn't it funny that a fast makes your day go slowly (snort) (snort). I am patiently waiting for my BihariShabab guide to the desi internet, so please post na. Ramzan Mubarak to the BihariShababies and to the rest of your peoples.