Thursday, July 3, 2008

Shahrukh, Glastonbury and The Best Rapper Alive...

Just to revisit Fahad's post from earlier this week regarding Jay Z's performance at Glastonbury, I think it would be a disservice to our loyal Bihari Shababis (whether you like it or not, that's your nickname folks), if I didn't encourage you to take the time out to watch the entire performance. Also I thought this would be a good time to point out the striking resemblance between Jigga Man and Bollywood superstar Shahrukh Khan.

Possible byproduct of a 1969 drunken Jackson Heights outing

Look at them! They could be brothers. Or I may be losing my mind. Either way, since I haven't seen anyone else make this comparison, I'm going to claim this find in the name of BihariShabab, so any other desi pop culture blog that makes it will be accused of plagiarism and will be subject to fines, penalties and public flogging (I don't know what that is, but it sounds saucy). Suck on that Sepia Mutiny!

Anyway, back to the performance. You can watch the whole thing on youtube here. It's broken down into 9 videos and take our word for it, it is worth all 90 or so minutes. It's more than just a rap concert, it's high end performance art. And it's so good that I don't even feel like a douchebag for writing that last sentence. But in case you don't have that kind of time to spare because that is time that could be better spent stalking somebody on facebook, you can find clip 4/9 below, which happens to be my favorite. It features "Jigga What", "H to the Izzo", "Can I get A" and finally "Beware of Boys"(how appropriate!). Oh and this should go without saying but yes, these are NSFW. Ho!