Thursday, June 19, 2008

Ouch....I Think I Scraped My Knee As I Was Jumping From The Will Ferrell Band Wagon.

You're so wacky!
I like Will Ferrell as a person. I think the success has gone to his head but what does that matter to me, I'll never meet the man. Talladega Nights was the last movie of his I've seen and because he's essentially playing Ron Burgandy over and over I decided not to watch any other of his various fillums. I made it a point of not seeing his crappy basketball movie because of their ridiculous advertising campaign in which Jackie Moon/Will Ferrell/Ron Burgandy appear at least once in every commercial break. But I'm a patient person and I respect that Will Ferrell is on his grind, he's getting millions of dollars for portraying the same person, actually he's pretty much the American Shahrukh Khan in that respect. However, a man can only be pushed so far. Will, you made some terrific movies. Anchorman is one of my favorite movies and in Stranger Than Fiction you gave a better performance than Jim Carrey has in any of his attempts to be all dramatic and stuff so I know you have the potential. Then you go and say you want to make an Anchorman sequel. Will, I can't defend this kind of talk, you said that there would be no sequels then you say you want a sequel and really all of your movies are just Ron Burgandy in different settings. William, Listen to me Will! I want to like you and Judd Apatow and Seth Rogen and the rest of the gang and for the most part I do, I even have a man crush on Paul Rudd. Just don't do it, create some new characters and fulfill your potential in a way that Chris Farley never got a chance too. Wait, Chris Farley probably would've followed your same career arc. He played the same guy in every movie and probably would've eventually wanted to be taken seriously like you did, but before that happened he died and now his legacy isn't tarnished.....Hey Will, you wanna try some of this blow?