Thursday, June 12, 2008

Aww Pantshirt!

Why? because she's your bhabi.

The Mercer Quality of Living Index was published recently and Karachi comes in as the 3rd worst city for personal safety in the world, only Kinshasha and Baghdad were more dangerous. Yes, that's right East-Pakistani hell holes Dhaka and the ridiculously named Chittagong are safer than Pakistani hell hole. It's a sad day for us at BihariShabab, especially since yours truly is going to be spending a month in the third most dangerous city in the world. Since Mercer didn't publish their entire report I can't tell you where exactly Karachi is ranked in quality of life. Thankfully it's not in the bottom six which is comprised of Newark*, Ndjamena, Khartoum, Brazzaville, Bangui, and Baghdad. So for all of you Africans out there, don't worry apparently God still hates you. The top five are Metropolis, Xanadu, Mordor, Camelot, and Atlantis.

*I can only assume Newark is sixth, I've been to Ndjamena** and it's only a little worse than downtown Newark.

**No I haven't, but still.