Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Uh Oh

Happier times. Would've been really great if she didn't steal so much.

Some times we at BihariShabab take things seriously one of those things being an attack on a foreign nation by the US military. The following is a brief respite from our general "tom-foolery."

Breaking news from the BBC (and oddly no where else) is that at least ten Pakistani soldiers have died in a raid led by US forces near the Afghani border. This is troubling news for Pakistan and the region in general. The Taleban and other militants are throwing the northern regions of Pakistan and most of Afghanistan into a state of perpetual violence as well as corrupting the young Muslims of the two nations into fighting by using propaganda from incidences such as this one and another one tonight in which four civilians, three women and a child, were killed in Afghanistan by US led forces. Obviously there are civilian casualties in war but every civilian that dies due to the actions of the American military could lead to the creation of more and more extremists in the area leading to an increased destabilization of South Asia and we all know that South Asia can't afford any more destabilization. Another issue is that of protecting a nation's sovereignty. The United States Government has been trying to pressure the Pakistani government to give them military bases in Pakistan ever since 9/11. The American politicians need to understand that it is a countries right to protect their autonomy and what better way to undermine autonomy than by giving foreign nations military bases on sovereign land? Basically what I'm saying is the Americans need to slow their role because sending troops into Pakistan is not a good idea, especially at a time when America's influence in the world is waning and it desperately needs allies in the area. If Obama or Jindal can do something about that then maybe I'll register to vote, till then I'll just roll in my Kali Denali(language probably nsfw if your boss understands punjabi, then again I could be wrong because I don't understand punjabi).